TERRAIN's hiking and outdoors map of Mt. Parnitha at 1:25.000 map was the first and remains the only one that:
Maps all the paths with accurate point-to-point distances. Compared to other hiking maps, it covers much more trails (a total of 362 kilometers!).
Marks all climbing fields with a topographical polygon, as well as their names and accesses.
Marks the bolted canyoning route in the Goura gorge, (with detailed description on the reverse side of the map), demarcates the motocross training areas, highlights with a special symbol the most beautiful and scenic mountain routes.
Presents on the reverse side detailed instructions for 8 of the most beautiful hikes in Parnitha, of all levels of difficulty.
Features a detailed map of the Tatoi Estate at a scale of 1:10,000, marking the 36 major attractions as well as all the paths that cross the estate.